Due to the expected inclement weather, RSU23 schools are CLOSED today, February 6, 2025.

RSU23 Content

23-24 Snow Remote Day Memo

Posted on

November 7, 2023

Dear RSU 23 Community,

I wanted to send this memo out to our district community before the snow starts falling and I have to make decisions on whether or not to postpone in-person school due to weather conditions. Generally, we will make our decision in conjunction with the Saco, Biddeford, and Dayton school departments. Our transportation schedule and student attendance at the Regional Center of Technology in Biddeford are tied together with these other districts. On days we don’t have in-person school we will send out an automated call to all district community members. I will email all staff, and the news will also be posted on our Websites, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. Television channels 6, 8, and 13, will also have the information.

When in-person learning cannot occur due to weather, we will be having remote learning days. These days are unique to RSU 23 as we are the only school in the area providing this opportunity. Remote learning days allow us to end the school year as planned without adding extra days. Our teachers have been working with your children in order to be ready to provide remote instruction. In anticipation of remote days due to inclement weather, Food & Nutrition Services will be providing meals as needed. Please complete this form (linked) for each child needing a meal. The meal will be distributed to your child before they go home the day before a potential remote day. Meals will include smuckers uncrustables, crackers, fruits, vegetables, and shelf-stable milk. Meals are provided only to students enrolled in RSU 23.

On days that we do have school and it is snowing or has snowed overnight, our sidewalks may not be plowed in time for our walkers coming to school. I have contacted the town office, and asked that public works make the sidewalks from Walgreens to 7-11 (school side of the road first), Union Ave, and Smithwheel Road a top priority for our walking students. If this is a concern and you are worried about your child walking on these days, please contact your child’s school and we will arrange transportation. If you have any questions please give me a call at 934-5751. Thanks and I’m hoping for a mild winter!

John Suttie
RSU 23 Superintendent of Schools