Due to the expected inclement weather, RSU23 schools are CLOSED today, February 6, 2025.

RSU23 Content

Special Education

RSU #23 Public Notice

Destruction of Records

RSU #23 will destroy selected Special Education records of special education students at the end of the school year in which the student turns 26 years old.  Parents or adult students wishing to obtain these records should contact the school department.  RSU #23 shall permanently maintain a record of the student’s name, address, phone number, grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed and year completed.

Project Child Find

Do you know of a child 3-20 years of age with a disability residing in Old Orchard Beach?  The disability might be vision, hearing, behavior, learning, health, mental ability, autism, or any combination of these areas.  Children with disabilities are entitled to appropriate educational services provided at no cost to the child or family.  If you know of a child with a disability in need of special education services, please call your local school Principal or Elizabeth King, Director of Special Education.


Old Orchard Beach (RSU23) recognizes its obligation under state and federal law to program for students with disabilities in the least restrictive educational environment. Toward that end the RSU shall ensure that, to the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities are educated with children who are not disabled, and that special education, separate schooling or other removal of students with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.

All determinations regarding programming in the least restrictive environment shall be influenced by the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and shall draw upon a multidisciplinary assessment of the student’s needs. The RSU has available the full continuum of alternative placements when making placement determinations.

Our Special Education Department is located in OOB High School at 40 E. Emerson Cummings Blvd. in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. If you have any questions or concerns regarding special education regulations, procedures or your child’s specific needs please feel free to contact the Director of Special Education Services at (207) 934-5751.

OOB Special Education Department

Heidi Butler
Director of Special Education
Section 504 Coordinator

Lisa Dearborn
Administrative Assistant