RSU23 Content

Return To School Plan for 10-30-23

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October 29, 2023

Dear RSU 23 Community,
The past several days have been unthinkable, and our hearts are with those directly affected by the senseless tragedy that has unfolded in Lewiston. I also recognize that the impacts to all Mainers are wide and far reaching, and we are now learning the connections and their ramifications on our own school community members.

That being said, I wanted to send just a quick update to everyone regarding plans for tomorrow. We will open schools on Monday, Oct. 30, 2023. All transportation schedules and school schedules will run on regular times.

We will have extra precautions and resources in place this week such as additional OOBPD coverage at all three schools, as well as social worker and guidance support for students and staff. Each school’s student support teams have put the appropriate structures in place to ensure that we can safely open. It is time for our community to return to normalcy.

I know I speak for all staff when I say that I look forward to having students back to school tomorrow. If youhave any questions, please email me at and I will be happy to address any inquiries you may have.

John Suttie
RSU 23 Superintendent of Schools