RSU23 Special Olympics
Posted onDespite the cancelled York games, OOB hosted their own Special Olympics!
On May 19th, 18 students from K to 12th grade, participated in the 2022 Special Olympics with an incredible send off from their teachers, peers and community. These Olympians were set to travel to Noble High to compete with other York county schools, but after it was cancelled our school community rallied together to create our very own OOB Special Olympics so that these student’s hard work could be properly celebrated.
Classmates lined the hallways and outside the school with cheers, signs and support for our athletes. Our local fire and police departments escorted our bus to each school and then through the community so these students could still get the full experience of being champions. Each athlete participated in 3 events: standing long jump, soft ball throw and 50m run. Many families were able to join us for this day of celebration and our Special Olympians ended the day by getting on the podium to receive a well deserved gold medal. Congratulations to our OOB Olympians and thank you to our community for supporting them!